Discover the Best Dentist in Tijuana at Trust Dental Care

Top Dental Care in Tijuana:
The Worldwide Medical
Tourism Capital.

Discover top dental care in Tijuana, the worldwide medical tourism capital. Notably renowned for exceptional dental services and affordable prices, Tijuana, therefore, attracts patients from around the globe seeking high-quality care.


Trust Dental Care; Cosmetic Dentistry; Dentist in Tijuana; Dental Care; Dental Care Tijuana; Cosmetic Certified


Premier Dental
Clinic in Tijuan

Welcome to Trust Dental Care, the ultimate destination for top-rated dental care in Tijuana. Not only does this state-of-the-art clinic combine the lates dental technologies, but it also boasts a highly skilled team led by Dr. Cirenia Aparicio Miranda, DDS.

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Easily locate Trust Dental Care usin Google Maps! Out top-rated dental clinic iin Tijuana is conveniently situated for all your dental needs.

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Top-rated dental care in Tijuana.

Visit the top-rated dental care in Tijuana at Trust Dental Care. Indeed, Tijuanais renowned for its exceptional service, advanced dental techniques, and highly skrilled team led by Dr. Cirenia Aparacio Miranda, DDS.

Dental Treatments in Mexico

Join the many satisfied patients who have discovered the benefits of dental treatments in Mexico. Contact Trust Dental Care today to schedule your appointment and tak the first step toward a healthier, more beautiful smile.

All-On-6 Dental Implants

Transform your smile with All-On-6 dental implants. Indeed, this innovative solution is perfect for those looking to begin with, the procedure stars with an initial surgery, where sox precision-placed titanium posts are inserted into the jawbone.

Dental Emergencies

In the face of dental emergencies, place your trust in us. Consequently, we provide inmmediate, empathetic care using state-of--the-art technology when it matters the most. Terefore, don't let dental emergencies leave you in distress. With Trust Dental Care, you're in capable and caring hands.

Dental Implants

Revolutionizing tooth replacement, dental implants provide unmatched confidence in your smile's stability, strenght, and beauty. As a result, you no longer neet to rely solely on dentures!

Dental Crown

Discover the convenience of One-Visit Porcelain Crowns at Trust Dental Care in Tijuana, Mexico. Our swift, effective, and affordable procedure guarantees a strong, healthy smile in just one vist. Thanks to our expert dental team, your'e assured of excellent results. Consequently, say goodbye to multiple appointments and prolonged procedures.

Tooth Extraction

Considering a tooth extraction in Tijuana? Out team of dental experts is dedicated to making your tooth extraction process as smooth and painless as possible. Additionally, we understand that dental procedures can be daunting, so with us, you can put your anxieties at ease.

Laser Teeth Cleaning

Experience the future of dental hygiene at Trust Dental Care, a leading dental clinic in Tijuana, Mexico. We specialize in laser teeth cleaning, which provides a comfortable, efficient, and affordable alternative to traditional methods.

Specialists Comitted to Your Comfort

At Trust Dental Care, our team of dedicated specialists is committed to ensuring your comfort and delivering exceptional dental care. Each member of our team brings a wealth of experience and expertise to provide you with the best possible treatment.

Dr. Cirenia Aparicio Miranda, DDS; Trust Dental Care; Cosmetic Dentistry; Dentist in Tijuana; Dental Care; Dental Care Tijuana; Cosmetic Certified; Dental Clinic Tijuana

Dr. Cirenia Aparicio Miranda, DDS.

As a renowned Cosmetic Restorative Specialist at Trust Dental Care in Tijuana, Mexico, Dr. Cirenia is a US-licensed dentist in California and a fully accredited member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD). Notably, she is one of only 228 dentists worldwide to achieve this distinction in the past 35 years.

Consequently, doctors worldwide trust Dr. Cirenia for her world-class dentistry services offered at affordable prices. In just the last year, she has created over 100 full-mouth extreme makeover cases, crfated 1,000 veneers, and placed 1,200 crowns. These numbers are lifetime accomplishments for many dentists; however, for Dr. Cirenia, they are a testament to her dedication and skill.

Furte¿hernore, with over 16 years of professional experience, Dr. Cirenia has created more than 20,000 crowns and veneers. Her commitment to excellence is further demostrasted by her recent achievement: she not only passed the Western Regional Boards Exam (WRBE), considered the hardest dental exam in the world, but also achieved the highest score ever recorded.