Uveneers vs. Porcelain Veneers, Making a Life-Changing Decision
Uveneers vs. Porcelain Veneers a Cheap Alternative?

Uveneers vs. Porcelain Veneers a Cheap Alternative?

Many people opt for porcelain veneers because our smile is our presentation card.

It is natural for us to desire to keep a good one.

Unfortunately, with the past of the years, teeth can look damaged and get yellow.

Due to the consumption of cigarettes, coffee, and other factors that tend to stain them.

Luckily for us, there is a solution to call it Porcelain Veneers and Uveneers.

Dental veneers are a possible solution to restore the teeth to achieve a better appearance for them, to get a “Hollywood Smile.”

To improve your smile dental veneers can be the right choice and there are some types of veneers that you can consider before making a decision.

Knowing about them will make easier to choose the right kind of veneer taking into account that you are a candidate for the treatment.

Uveneers are a new type of veneers system to create composite veneers quickly and easy having a fantastic result for patients.

Creating veneers using templates saving the tooth shape and structure.

Dr. Sigal Jacobson, the creator of the Uveneers, has said that this kind of veneer can be the best choice for those patients that are looking to enhance their smiles for an accessible price and in just one visit.

The design of the templates is to mimic the size and shape of the ideal tooth anatomy.

And the dentist will contour the teeth in at least 20 minutes.

On the other hand, we have Porcelain Veneers, the most popular and typical of the treatments used to improve or restore the teeth of patients.

Officially porcelain veneers were invented for the Californian dentist Charles Pincus in the 30s being the first type of cosmetic dentistry as we know it today.

Since then they have updated their operation. Reinforcing their qualities and advantages.

Becoming over the years one of the best options for people.

And even for a lot of actors and actresses who have chosen Porcelain Veneers to perfect their smiles.

It seems that both, Uveneers and Porcelain veneers can be a functional and aesthetic option, but what is the better choice?

Why choose Uveneers?

Uveneers are a relatively new procedure that reportedly makes fast restorations.

Consist of using a translucent prefabricated template pressing it over the composite that has been laid on the tooth to treat and the template is removed after the material has cured.

The template is reusable. And it is easy to handle making simple to any dentist.

This procedure can be done in minutes, and it will not be necessary for patients to make a second visit.

Usually, Uveneers are a cheaper option for those patients that are looking for affordable treatments. Uveneer was made to correct anatomy and contour from central, lateral, canine and first and second premolars.

Its design is based on the rules of the “Golden proportion” of the tooth size and shape.

Dentists use it for all composite veneers applications.

It sounds like a perfect solution. However, like everything in life, there are some cons that you need to take into account before opting for Uveneers.

The templates are prefabricated and are shaped to fit the majority of the people’s teeth.

This can be a problem to those patients that have irregular teeth and since are made of resin, resistless to stains.

Many people do not trust much in this procedure yet because it is relatively new in the market and there is not much information about it.

Some wonder how long does it last or if worth trying them.

Some have commented that they have not obtained the desired results.

As it has been said, it is a recent procedure, and the results are still being tested.

Patients around the world are experimenting with this new technology, and there are good references, and equally, there are negative.

Even dentists everywhere where this technology, created by the doctor native from Australia.

have commented on positive aspects as the innovativeness of the Uveneers and other negative elements such as that being prefabricated do not fit in all their patients.[/vc_column_text]

Why Choose Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, are the traditional way when it comes to veneers.

Are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the surface of the teeth improving your smile, plus, are made of porcelain which is excellent to resist better the stains.

Consist of a compilation of several thin ceramic layers that replace original tooth enamel and an adhesive layer.

Made of semi-translucent ceramic, porcelain veneers look realistic making them invisible to the naked eye and have an individual design for each patient.

Compare to a resin that can last around seven years, porcelain veneers can last for a least 20 years with proper care and healthy lifestyle, plus don’t require days or weeks to see the results. You can see visible results just after the treatment.

The cons of getting porcelain veneers are that not all patients are candidates for them, if you have decayed or weaken teeth, suffer from aggravated periodontal disease or bruxism, opting for this treatment can bring some troubles.

Create a porcelain veneer can be a challenge, requires of some laboratory work and maybe two days to make it happen. Also, in most cases, porcelain veneers can cost you a considerable sum of money, which can be an investment.

As you see both treatments can result in the best option for you, but you need all the information before to make a decision.

When it comes to Uveneers, since is a new system, you maybe can’t be able to find a lot of information about the process.

Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, are the most common procedure and it can perhaps cost a little bit more than the Uveneers but provide significant durability.

But, because a portion of the original tooth enamel is reduced in both cases, an Uveneer or a porcelain veneer is both not a reversible treatment.

Adjustments and even the new veneers can be placed, but still is irreversible, that is another strong reason to take a moment and think what option is the best for you.

Benefits of Veneers

Veneers can help to fix those teeth that are severely discolored, crooked or misshapen teeth.

Improving your smile and covering stains that resist any whitening treatment, plus they look like natural teeth.

Your dentist will prepare your teeth. Usually removes a small amount or the necessary amount of enamel (the hard mineralized surface of teeth).

From the front and sides of every tooth to treat to make room for the veneers, all this to achieve the natural teeth look.

Next, your dentist will take an impression of the inside of your mouth, form a mold to send it to a special dental place.

Where your veneers are custom made by a dental technician and when are ready your dentist will place them on your teeth.

As you can learn, is an easy and painless process.

Why Dentists Use Veneers?

Veneers are used by people who wish to correct dental issues such as slightly chipped or crooked teeth.

Veneers can be a good option to change the appearance of teeth without being too much invasive to make them look straighter.

Maybe you are thinking too much to opt for this treatment because of the costs of the placement of veneers.

However, we must see it as a very good long-term investment that will only bring benefits to our lives.

As we commented at the beginning of this post, the smile is our letter of introduction.

And is the first thing that people see when we talk or smile. What better than having a beautiful smile?

It has been proven that dental problems can cause a lack of trust in people.

And make them feel embarrassed when eating, talking or smiling.

It can even lead to problems of self-esteem and emotional and psychological issues.

Many people spend years being embarrassed about their smiles, covering their mouths when they are laughing or not smiling at all.

Giving the impression that the person is not friendly.

Always thinking about what they can do about it.

The good news is that there is a solution to this and you can make the decision today.

Changing your life because the benefits of getting a perfect smile are limitless.

Perfect Smile

Frequently patients do not choose this treatment because some patients consider that veneers are expensive.

The truth is that it can be a little bit pricey due to technology.

And also the time it takes to do it.

But, there are very economical ways to make veneers without spending too much money.

Especially if the place you have financing plans or has attractive offers.

Uveneers can offer a more economical way to restore your teeth beautifully.

But take into account that they may not last as long.

In contrast, porcelain veneers may have a higher cost.

But will continue twice or the triple that they use conventional resin to make the Uveneers.

So if you are considering “saving” money when choosing your veneers.

Think that it is very likely that you will have to spend a lot of money again in 5 or 7 years, which is the estimated time that you have given this treatment (Uveneers).

Taking the Decision

Additionally, you may think it’s a quick way to restore your smile because Uveneers takes about 30 minutes to be done.

After having an initial consultation with your dentist while porcelain veneers may require more of your time.

Because you may have to do at least two visits to your dentist before everything is ready.

Another fact to consider is that the veneers help to shape teeth.

Teeth that have damage suffering some kind of trauma.

This due to some accidents or malformations of birth.

It will also restore the color of those teeth that resist any whitening treatment.

Or those that have pretty severe stains.

You also have to remember that the results depend on how you care for your teeth after a veneer placement procedure.

No matter which one you choose it is essential to take care of your oral hygiene.

Because even though they are durable, safe and you don’t need to have special attention with them.

The lifetime of veneers can be extended if you take proper care of them.

People and dentists around the globe rely on the results of this incredible treatment that is gaining fame.

Whatever your decision, Uveneers or Porcelain Veneers.

The important thing is that you do it in a place with capable people to perform the procedure and that you are sure about it.

It will be the beginning of a new stage of change in your life.

It will bring with it the return of your self-esteem and confidence in yourself.

Dentists are using Veneers and their variants for many years by now.

Improving the lives of thousands of people around the world over the years.

It is a proven and safe treatment.

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