It is normal to have questions about our children’s teeth. We hear different ideas and listen to many pieces of advice from people around us.
But what is best for our children? When can we start taking them to a dentist? When do children’s teeth fall out, and why? Is chewing gum bad for their teeth?
Our role as parents is crucial because the first years are very important for our children’s teeth.
Children need to learn some good habits since they are little, so they can keep them as they grow up.
If you have some questions about how to teach your children some useful oral care tricks and how you can help them to achieve proper oral health.
We invite you to keep reading. Here some common questions that will help you to clarify some of those doubts.
When do Baby Teeth Start Falling Down?
This question is probably one of the most asked.
All related to when and how baby teeth are going to start falling out.
Do we need to pull them out? Do we need to take the children for extractions?
First, we need to know when baby teeth are coming out to know when they are going to stop emerging. The following chart shows when children’s baby teeth should appear.
Eruption times vary from kid to kid, so the falling down.
The two front bottom teeth are usually the first to go.
If there are no signs of trauma or decay, parents shouldn’t be a worry.
Baby teeth, also known as primary teeth, come down when adult teeth emerge in the jaw, eventually causing primary teeth to fall out.
Normally, baby teeth fall without any notice; they just do. Some other times, parents need to take their children to a dentist to perform an extraction.
When baby teeth don’t fall at their time can cause a problem to the adult teeth that are trying to take their place.
So, don’t forget to pay attention to this in order to prevent further issues.
When Should I Start to Brush my Children’s Teeth?
Once you see baby teeth begin to come out, you must clean them at least twice a day with a little piece of gauze.
When your kids are about 1 or 2 years old, change to a soft toothbrush with a little bit of toothpaste.
It is essential to start this practice since they are little that way; this practice will become a habit.
When we are little, we learn from what we see others do.
So if our kids are near when we brush our own teeth, they will try to copy that, and that way, the practice shifts into a more natural manner.
Remember to ask your dentist.
Children can’t use the same toothpaste or toothbrush an adult will use.
Adults use toothpaste with strong ingredients that can be harmful to kids.
Be sure to get a proper product for them as they grow up, or else they are just going to hate brushing if they feel uncomfortable with the experience.
Cartoons on their toothbrush and toothpaste with delicate flavors can encourage them to brush and make it fun.
At What Age Should I Take my Kid to a Dentist for the First Time?
Our first thoughts about going to the dentist may be scary.
We have listened to many stories and myths about it.
Usually thinking of the idea of how painful procedures in our mouth will be.
Kids need to get used to the idea of visit the dentist, and this part can turn into a challenge.
First of all, as parents, we need to know that taking the kids to the dentist is necessary.
Maybe parents think it is not mandatory to visit the dentist while the real teeth are not there yet.
Nonetheless, this is not right.
Teaching kids proper dental care habits since they are small can help them when they are adults.
Early visits and consultations can help the dentist to prevent problems like cavities.
Yes, probably you think that what is the point of avoiding baby teeth from getting decay if they are going to fall anyway.
Well, you will be surprised to know that taking them to a dentist will not only prevent decay or cavities but a lot of other problems too.
Taking kids to the dentist can help to teach children why oral care is relevant.
So take advantage of this, and don’t be afraid of taking your children to the dentist.
Having a good relationship between the child and the dentist can help to avoid problems like teeth malformations that might be more difficult or maybe impossible to treat at an older age.
Just remember that prevention is better than spending.
Proper oral care can save you extensive and expensive dental treatments in the future, such as braces.
When do cavities appear on children?
Commonly, cavities appear at an early age when kids are used to eating candies and sweet foods and drinks.
The parents need to be aware of the care of the children’s teeth, even when these are primary teeth, as they are also more susceptible to get cavities.
The sweeter the children’s foods are, the more chances they have to get cavities.
This is why children must get used to brushing their teeth to avoid the accumulation of sugar in their teeth.
It will be impossible to prevent cavities in our children, but we can help them to get complicated problems by following a daily cleaning of their mouths.
Tooth decay in kids exists, and if you think they don’t need their baby teeth, just think it again.
Children’s teeth are necessary for them to speak, eat, and chew correctly!
Cavities can start appearing when they start consuming sweetened beverages and natural sugar such as milk, formula, and juices.
Taking Care of Children’s Teeth
There might be many other questions about our children’s teeth.
Our role as parents is important in every aspect of their lives since the idea of providing good alimentation to our roles of giving them the tools to clean and maintain good health in their mouths.
The health of the teeth must be taken care of since birth; the children need their healthy teeth to be able to smile, eat, and even to talk.
Therefore, it is important for us as parents to take good care of them since their childhood, to educate since they are little kids the advantages of healthy dental habits and daily cleaning.
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