Cinnamon Toothache: 15 Essential Herbs & Spices for Tooth Relief
Tooth Relief Cinnamon

Cinnamon For Toothache: 15 Essential Herbs & Spices for Tooth Relief

Cinnamon for toothache, yes one of the best ways to combat toothache and sensitivity. Mixing one teaspoon of ground cinnamon and five teaspoons of honey could be an excellent remedy to relieve pain. You take a small amount of this mix and rub it onto your affected tooth. Repeating this two or three times until you get to see your dentist can help the pain go away for a little.

Essential herbs had been very popular over the years. We live in a day and age where the more natural you can be, the better, and with this background, herbs, and spices are making a great comeback, especially when it comes to holistic dentistry and dealing with toothache. Trust Dental Care, being part of this style of dentistry, started looking into herbal products that can help you relieve some of the pain associated with a toothache.

There’s a long-standing tradition of essential herbs for medicinal purposes, so dentistry is not exempt from this. Many herbs with medicinal properties, sometimes regardless of their flavor or scent.

Before medicine evolved into what we have in our pharmacies, it heavily relied on pure herbs and spices to help treat oral problems.

The fifteen ingredients listed below are part of a tradition of herbology all over the world. These are anesthetics, pain relievers, and antiseptics found in our backyards and supermarkets. Note that these are just temporary pain relievers, and you should always see your dentist when pain is involved. These are only temporary solutions while you get a dental appointment.

Cinnamon for tooth relief

Tooth Relief Cinnamomum

Cinnamon usually wafts memories of Christmas or decadent desserts to mind. However, this aromatic spice is rich in calcium, making it a great way to strengthen the teeth and jaw.

Cinnamon is also antimicrobial and a mild pain reliever. You can use Cinnamon to numb teeth and gums, and to help with teething toddlers. You can buy the powder (used in most recipes) or get oil drops. Both of which come from the inner bark of the plant.

Two standard methods are used for gum health and teeth cleaning. The first is mixing honey and Cinnamon and rubbing it on the gums. The second is as simple as steeping cinnamon sticks in warm water and drinking it.

Cinnamon bark helps to prevent tooth decay, and gum disease and offers its odor-fighting ability when used regularly. It is because of Cinnamon’s antimicrobial properties and unique compounds that it’s ideal for dental applications. Beyond dentistry, Cinnamon has a host of other health benefits you may not be aware of.

Cinnamon has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol and have a regulatory effect on blood sugar. Cinnamon is a powerful ally for those who have type 2 diabetes. Plus, it also has an anti-clotting effect on the blood, to be tough on medically-resistant yeast infections. Also, it inhibits bacterial growth in food, making it an excellent, though costly, natural food preservative.



Perhaps you were looking for Cinnamon Toothache. But, when a toothache hits you at lunch or in the middle of the night, you need a quick solution. Clove oil can be the home remedy you need if you can’t get to your dentist right away.

Plus, it contains an active ingredient that numbs the nerves in your mouth, offering temporary relief. Clove oil is a home remedy for tooth pain that is also used by dentists; it is a natural analgesic and antiseptic, primarily because of a component known as eugenol.

Dentists often use the oil as a temporary filling combined with zinc oxide to reduce pain and inflammation. The treatment has a natural numbing effect on the mouth, just what you are looking for when that tooth is throbbing. It is also a natural antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral. Other uses for clove oil include indigestion, coughs, asthma, headache, stress, and blood impurities. However, the most important and common use of clove oil is in dental care.

Several kinds of toothpaste, mouthwash, and oral care medicines contain clove oil as an essential ingredient. Using clove oil to relieve an abscessed tooth is easy, just put a drop or two on a piece of gauze or cotton swab and wipe on the affected area. It may take 10-20 to numb the area. Cloves had been considered part of essential herbs over the years thanks to this.

You can also use full cloves in your mouth to relieve toothache. Just place a whole clove in your mouth, chew the clove, and move the crushed clove as close to the sore tooth as possible. This home remedy is a fast, easy natural cure to get relief and begin your road back to wellness. However, remember that you will need to see your dentist for a permanent solution.

Coriander (Cilantro)

Coriander Leaf Seeds

Coriander’s historic importance dates back to ancient China, where it was known as Chinese parsley. Today, the plant leaves used in American kitchens are called cilantro. Its anti-bacterial tendencies made it perfect for cleaning out and initiating healing for mouth ulcers and infections. If you’re suffering from open oral sores, boil one teaspoon of coriander seeds in one cup of water and gargle 3-4 times daily.

Fresh cilantro leaves are rich in vitamin C. This vitamin helps to accelerate the time that is the average time our body needs to heal painful mouth injuries. To use them, you must chop a fistful of fresh cilantro leaves finely. Grind the leaves into a fine paste using a mortar and pestle. Transfer the paste to a clean bowl and add a little water to it. Dip a q-tip in and apply it gently to the damaged area.


Cinnamon For Toothache: 15 Essential Herbs & Spices for Tooth Relief 1

Goldenseal is one of the five top-selling herbal products in the U.S. Native Americans. It is among essential herbs because of tradition too. Today’s traditional uses of goldenseal have broadened to include the natural treatment and prevention of colds, respiratory tract infections, allergies, eye infections, digestive issues, canker sores, vaginitis, urinary tract infections, and even cancer.

This herb contains berberine, which is an excellent antimicrobial, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, and blood-glucose-lowering. Goldenseal tea is a divine mouth rinse or throat gargle for oral sores, sore throat, or cough.

Alternately, swishing half an ounce of goldenseal oil around your mouth for about three minutes and then swallowing freshens your mouth, boosts immunities, and destroys any digestive intruders. If you have a specific spot of inflamed gums, apply five drops of goldenseal extract on some gauze and lightly press against the inflicted area. But again, remember that you need to see your dentist right away.

Green Tea

22 Benefits Of Green Tea That You Should Definitely Know

People know green tea as an energy-giving, super-healthy option for daily drinks. The benefits it offers the mouth are often overlooked.

The antioxidants, bacteria battling catechins, and other micronutrients in green tea fortify tooth structures, whitens teeth, keep breath fresh, and dissolve plaque. Decaffeinated green tea still has these compounds, and thus, the oral benefits. So consider an unsweetened cup or two each morning. Trust me; anyone who has to speak with you will thank you for it.

Green tea may well be a treat for your taste buds. But new research is suggesting that it benefits the rest of your oral cavity as well. Green tea contains compounds that appear to control inflammation and fight bacterial infection. This drink is also rich in antioxidants, which have many health properties.

Because green tea controls bacteria and lowers the acidity of saliva and dental plaque, it may be a useful tool in preventing cavities. A recent Egypt-based study tested people before and after they gave their mouths a five-minute rinse with green tea. The test subjects had fewer bacteria and acid in their mouths, as well as reduced gum bleeding. Other research has found that drinking green tea shows promise when it comes to preventing tooth decay.

Green tea’s anti-inflammatory powers seem to help control periodontal (gum) disease. A Japanese survey of almost 1,000 men found that those who drank green tea regularly had healthier gums than those who didn’t. A German study found similar positive results in people who were asked to chew candies containing green tea extracts.

It makes sense that a substance that helps prevent cavities and gum disease will help you keep your teeth. Green tea has been associated with better-smelling breath. This is likely because it kills the microbes that give us bad breath.

Licorice Root

Tooth Relief Liquorice root

Licorice root has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine and is supported by the American Dental Association as part of the essential herbs because it inhibits plaque buildup and gum disease.

You can do so by simply chewing on a root or drinking steeped dried root and drinking 3 times daily, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Its antibacterial and antiviral properties can also treat canker sores and oral ulcers. Outside the U.S., it is also being studied for use as an alternative therapy for Hepatitis C patients.

It also works as a breath-freshening ingredient in some natural toothpaste. The licorice-flavored candies that consumers buy at the store, however, don’t contain licorice root. These treats contain anise oil, which has a similar taste. Licorice root should be used with caution after consulting with a healthcare professional since it can have serious side effects and negative interactions with prescription medications.


Tooth Relief myrrh gum pieces

Myrrh is best known for its part in the Christian Christmas story as one of the gifts brought to baby Jesus.

The ancient herb has been used since before that historical time for a lot of medicinal purposes such as inflamed or loosening gums, canker sores, throat and nasal infections, and breathing issues.

Adding myrrh oil to warm water and using it as a mouth rinse is the best way to alleviate bacteria and maintain good dental hygiene.

Due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, myrrh can help relieve inflammation of the mouth and gums caused by diseases such as gingivitis and mouth ulcers.

It can also be used as a mouth rinse to prevent gum disease. It can also freshen your breath and is commonly used as an ingredient in mouthwash and toothpaste.


Tooth Relief Face Packs For All Skin Types

The entire anatomy of Neem (roots, stem, bark, and fruit) is esteemed in Ayurvedic practice.

Ancient people of India and its surrounding regions chewed on neem twigs or rubbed them over teeth and gums to prevent tooth rot and reduce inflammation. Neem bark and its leaves have active ingredients that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It strengthens the immune system and the body’s resistance to infections. You can add a few drops of neem oil to coconut or olive oil and apply it to the affected area.

Though the ADA hasn’t acknowledged Neem for oral health, many homeopathic practitioners consider its antibacterial, astringent, and antiseptic properties as a great way to maintain dental sanitation or deal with problems such as gingivitis and periodontal pockets. Neem powder can be mixed into your toothpaste and used regularly, or you can order neem-based toothpaste online.


Tooth Relief nutmeg medical medium

This spice is not only known as being fabulous for flavoring food and enhancing other flavors. It is also known for being part of the group of essential herbs. Nutmeg has a wide range of properties that are beneficial to your health and wellness including eliminating toxins from the body. It can help against the growth of cancerous cells, strengthen the immune system, and pain-relieve.

This mellow spice contains the same eugenol as cloves and cinnamon, so it works against plaque and bad breath. In addition, eugenol can ease swollen gums or tender teeth. To do so, simply rub nutmeg oil on the sore area or sip a cup of warm nutmeg tea and drink it.


bag of salt

In the most significant surgeries or medical situations, saline is used to keep things sterile. Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water is the same idea.

The saltwater will break up any food stuck in between teeth and kill any bacteria that may be causing damage. It is also a great way to ease pain and reduce inflammation from infection of the gums. A salt-water mouth rinse is useful for a number of different reasons.

It’s a great option for anyone who has a sore throat, gum sores or recently underwent dental procedures. It doesn’t take the place of modern dental hygiene but is used as a supportive measure for adults and children alike.

How does a saltwater mouth rinse work to reduce dental bacteria? It temporarily increases the pH balance of your mouth, creating an alkaline environment in which bacteria struggle to survive.

Because they generally prefer an acidic environment, using the rinse often enough can make it difficult for bacteria to breed. The use of salt also promotes healing, so it’s ideal to use it 24 hours after minor dental surgery to help your mouth recover. It’s an isotonic solution, which means it contains the same salts and minerals our bodies do in equal concentrations.

For this reason, it doesn’t irritate the mucous membranes as a medicinal mouthwash might, which is why many dentists recommend it as a gentle healing aid after a procedure.


Tooth Relief spoon

Thyme is an aromatic bush with small leaves and is very popular for cooking thanks to this. But you can use it for treating tooth infections and toothaches too. It functions as an antiseptic, which can eliminate and reduce toothaches and the buildup of bacteria in the mouth. Plus, people use it as an antibacterial agent because of its active constituents that reduce bacteria in the body.

Since antiquity, and even today, people have been using herbal medications in treating minor ailments and diseases. As one of the essential herbs, it often proves to be more effective than modern medications in some ways. So, if you experience toothaches, or feel like you have an infection in your mouth, you may want to try thyme to treat it.

Many people use dried thyme as herbal tea. They usually add one teaspoon of dried thyme to their cups or mugs and mix it with hot water plus honey to taste. If you do not want to use dried thyme, you may also want to try the ready-made ones, thyme tea bags, which can be bought at supermarkets and health food stores. Thyme is among the essential herbs.

Toothache Tree

Tooth Relief Thyme Bundle

This aromatic shrub of Northern America also goes by the name angelica tree, prickly ash, or Suter berry. We have it among essential herbs, because, as Native Americans did before, people use it in traditional medicine to treat inflammatory pain conditions, such as toothaches.

The numbing it triggers is profound and induces salivating to clean the mouth and prevent tooth rot. It’s also effective for stomach disorders, rheumatic problems, skin infections, sore throats, and coughs.


turmeric roots

This brightly colored spice used in Middle-East and Indian dishes boasts more than a strong, unique flavor. It is not Cinnamon toothache but can work just the same. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are more pronounced than other herbs mentioned above. The paste combined 1 teaspoon of turmeric with half a teaspoon of salt and just enough mustard oil to get a wet consistency. They encouraged applying it twice daily or packing it against an infected or inflamed area to reduce pain and bacterial growth.

Recent studies, according to the Journal of Natural Science, Biology, and Medicine, suggest it has some impressive health benefits as well, including the healing of inflamed gums. To treat gums, the Journal reported that researchers recommend applying a paste made of one teaspoon of turmeric, half a teaspoon of salt, and half a teaspoon of mustard oil. You can do this twice a day. Turmeric is another one you can put on your list of essential herbs. 

White Oak Bark Powder

Tooth Relief White oak bark medium

White Oak Bark Powder is an astringent that contains tannins; micro compounds that help tighten damaged gums against the teeth.

This powder used regularly can also retain the elasticity of the gums, and contains large doses of minerals that will strengthen teeth structure and jaw bone. Past dental damage cases show significant healing of the tendons below the gum surface that attach them to teeth within two months of regularly applying powder.

Remember that none of these home remedies and herbs can be a substitute for professional treatment. All these are just temporary solutions. If you are suffering from a toothache, you need to go to a dentist as soon as possible to see if it is not a problem that can bring even more significant problems for your oral health in the future.

If future problems persist please don’t hesitate on reaching out to us or scheduling an appointment with us.

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